Win Rebuilding Year in paperback – redux

The Rebuilding Year cover For the month of Februaury, I ran a giveaway drawing through Goodreads for a couple of paper copies of The Rebuilding Year and they’ve pulled two winners out of the hat. Out of more than 750 entires – wow!

I had a link here on my WordPress blog too, and someone pointed out to me that you had to be a member of Goodreads to enter the drawing. People who were not, couldn’t get into the link. Now joining GR isn’t hard. But then neither is getting on Facebook, and I’ve chosen not to do that. Some folks don’t want to be on Goodreads and that’s fine. And really, seeing 750 people in the drawing made me realize that my most consistent readers were kind of lost in that group. (Free books have a rather general appeal.)

So I decided to do a drawing for one more paperback copy for the folks who bother to read my blog. It’s only slightly tricky. DON’T COMMENT HERE ON THIS POST TO WIN. Although you’re welcome to comment, just in order to comment and say something πŸ™‚ . Go to my earlier blog post – The Rebuilding Year in paperback and add a comment there if you want to enter the drawing. WordPress saves your email, so you don’t need to put that in your comment – just say hi or something. I will draw for one more winner of a signed paperback copy after noon March 4th.

And once my copies actually arrive (Grrr for slow mail) I will send one out to the lucky winner.

ETA: The contest is now CLOSED – the winner was Aoife. And I got the books πŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “Win Rebuilding Year in paperback – redux”

  1. Anticipating the release of “Sole Support” on June 4th! Looking so forward to the new release. Thanks for the wonderful work, Kaje.
    All the best,

      • Something to look forward to prior to June 4th… I’ll take it! I too live in a similar longitude to you, in Michigan. Waiting for Spring seems dauntless and dull until I can begin the new season landscaping and planting. I’ll be anxious for the ‘HW’ stories… when they get done. πŸ˜‰


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