The Wolves are out!

Today is release day for Once an Alpha – this 45K prequel novella is set a year before Unacceptable Risk – book 1 and is designed to be an alternate intro to the Hidden Wolves world (and also hopefully fun for those who already know my wolves.) I’m delighted to see early reviewers are enjoying meeting David and Rob. Forbidden love, found family, hurt-comfort, coming out Once an Alpha universal link – Can I … Read more

Coming books – Wolves, Magic, Music

I have gorgeous covers for some new books in the works. Of course, the next book to come will be Once an Alpha – my latest Hidden Wolves novella. This one is intended to stand alone, but readers of the series will recognize the bad old days of the packs before Unacceptable Risk. David and Rob thought they’d left pack life behind, and could finally explore what they meant to one another. But once an … Read more

My Subpar Hero is loose in the world

Transparent Is a Color is now available on Amazon and in KU – a standalone lighthearted superhero adventure that is part of the Subparheroes universe. I saw this cover pic and Perry popped into my head – not a flying-hero Peregrine-the-Falcon, like his mother wanted, rescuing stranded children and pulling people out of burning buildings, but “the Interior Decorator” – a guy who can change the color of your curtains, or your sweatshirt. Perry thinks … Read more

New Werewolves novella preorder

I finished the main sequence of the Hidden Wolves Minneapolis West Pack with Unplanned Coda but the werewolves are just so much fun to write. A charity anthology wanted a paranormal story from me, and I set out to write a short Wolves tale, and ended up with a 44,000 word novella. I wrote another short story but that left me with a novella floating around. So I decided to publish it (with the short … Read more

“Impurrfections” is now available!

I just released Impurrfections – the second book in the multi-author stand-alone series Friends of Gaynor Beach Animal Rescue which is related to the Single Dads series (and Kevin from Alec has a cameo in this book.) Universal link – Shane has traveled from state to state with his cat Mimsy, never finding a place to put down roots. Theo left his toxic grandparents at 17 and made a life for himself, in ways … Read more

A charity anthology for one of our own

Today is the release day for Love & Hope: A Charity Anthology Benefiting HM Wolfe My story in this one is a 5,000 word standalone werewolf story, sweet, cute, and low-heat, about two men who finally can’t ignore the attraction that has been simmering. Oh, and kittens. 26 authors contributed stories. The anthology will be available on AZ and also in KU for a limited time. You can find the anthology here:

Some Favorite Books from 2023

This was a year where I really fell behind on reviews, so I’m not going to call these anything definitive like my 10-top-books. But these were stories I loved and read this year, and can wholeheartedly recommend. I left out non-first series books, books where I didn’t write a review at the time, and frankly a dozen other 5 star reads or more. But here are some good ones, in no particular order (links are … Read more

A Holiday Story

Hi folks – if you haven’t yet read my story from Thanksgiving on this blog last week STOP and read it first – it’s the first half of this story with the meet-cute, and you can find it here: THANKSGIVING  – Serendipity- Part 1 And for those who have, here’s – Christmas Holiday – Serendipity – Part 2 Serendipity – part 2 Joe   I pulled off three layers of silly-elf wrapping paper and opened … Read more

A Thanksgiving meet-cute story

Serendipity Adrien   “Excuse me. Are you Scott?” I jumped and turned. The man lit by the parking lot floodlights was a total stranger. Sadly, because he was gorgeous. “No, sorry. I’m Adrien.” “Oh.” His shoulders slumped. “Sorry to have bothered you.” I’d have continued on my way in the doors, but as the man turned away I thought I saw a glitter in his eyes like unshed tears. I took a step sideways to … Read more

Avocado Protection is out

Release day for Avocado Protection -I can’t wait for readers to meet Fynn and Nolan The book is wide – currently just AZ and Smashwords, but coming elsewhere once SW sends it over. . a 40K novella  (content warning for abduction and some violence) ……. Nolan asked, “You do all this alone? I’d imagined a company as successful as RipeBox would have an army of scientists.” To his surprise, Fynn flushed red across his … Read more