A tiny Jacob & Daniel freebie

When I went to GayRomLit I wasn’t registered as an author. So I didn’t bring swag or books to sign.

Some readers actually brought along their own copies of my books. That was such a trip, to think that they bothered to pack those, just so I could write in them. I signed at least a dozen, and I love you all. Thank you!

But I did want to have something on hand to sign, if people asked. What I ended up with was one sheet of paper, a thousand word snippet that comes after Into Deep Waters, my LiAW free book. It’s a short, somewhat sentimental look at Jacob and Daniel. I handed out about 20 copies, and a few people picked one up from the stack William Cooper let me put on his signing table (thank you William!)

I promised someone who wasn’t going to GRL that I would eventually post the story. It’s now up here. Deep Waters 1.005. The title is Can’t Hurt to Believe and I promise no one dies.

Now I have to dig into my NaNoWriMo story. The concept of National Novel Writing Month is to get together with lots of people and push each other to write at least 50,000 words in November. I can use the push – family stuff has kept me busy not-writing. I hope to use this to finish a stand-alone novel. Wish me luck.

5 thoughts on “A tiny Jacob & Daniel freebie”

    • πŸ™‚ yeah, maybe a bit too sweet… but someone made a comment in a Deep Waters review about “the problem with finishing with the guys that old is that you can’t imagine much for them to do after this except die.” I would have liked to do a sky-diving episode just to prove him wrong, but that would be OTT. But they’re not ready to kick the bucket yet.


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