It starts with that look in his eyes…

GFY – Gay For You – ah, yes… *Happy sigh.* That moment when a man who always thought he was straight looks into the eyes of another man and falls head over heels in love. And in lust. I love to write those moments.

But is GFY just a figment of my author’s imagination? A fantasy like vampires, as unlikely as zombie love? Or is there a chance that a straight man might find the love of his life in another man’s arms? During the month of April, both coming Out For You and being Gay For You will be debated on Chicks & Dicks. Thorny Sterling started the discussion off yesterday with a hilarious account of a young gay writer’s take on the topic. Today you can find my viewpoint over there. Come on by and let me know what you think. Am I writing pure fantasy or is there room in this world for a man to actually be Gay For You?

2 thoughts on “It starts with that look in his eyes…”

  1. Kaje, I don’t know if gay-for-you is fantasy or not, but frankly, I love reading it. So, if it’s fantasy, then sign me up for another trip to Disneyland/Romancelandia.

    • I have a real fondness for it too (which I explained on Chicks & Dicks in a blog only almost as wordy as my LiAW story ๐Ÿ™‚ If it is done with honest emotions and time, it really works for me.


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