A Release Date

After a tough week dealing with my mother’s advancing Alzheimer’s, I got a spot of good news today. Unexpected Demands is back from formatting. The official release date will be Friday March 23rd.

Conventional wisdom says it’s not good to release two novels so close together. But I’ve been waiting a while for this one. I say to heck with conventional wisdom. If some readers want to take a break from my writing between my books, that’s fine. Unexpected Demands won’t melt or disappear. I’m just happy to let this puppy out into the light.

After all, I have plenty of other stories to concentrate on as I move forward from here. Home Work – Life Lessons #3 is starting the editing process next. And my freebie for the M/M Romance group is due in mid-April. Hoarding stories for perfectly timed releases is just destined to be one of the things I don’t do. Thank you to all the readers who haven’t required business skills from me, and who appear happy just to let me spin my stories at will.

11 thoughts on “A Release Date”

  1. That whole don’t release books close together is just dumb IMO. For those of us who love your writing, we are happy to read one right after another….and if not then we’ll just wait a month and then buy it. Sheesh, can’t tell you how much I’ve heard people comment on how much they hate waiting for the next book. Kudos to your for doing your own thing!

  2. More books you will write, more books we will read Kaje.

    I still am a little behind but I will get there soon. 🙂 And I cannot wait for life lessons 3.

  3. Sorry to hear about your mom, very difficult to deal with but hopefully the suppoert of friends & family will help you.

    I am in total agreement with Issa, I can never get enough of authors I love to read. I am SO ready for Aaron! (and Andy) 🙂

  4. Ahh estou muito triste pela suamãe vivo isso com minha avó que tem o mesmo problema. Queria poder dizer melhoras, mas isso e uma realizadade destinta do momento, mas que os tratamente deixa ter uma vida com qualidade como fazemos com minha avo,

    Sobre as novidade fico muito feliz e o livro lições de vida 3 e tudo de bom, vim ao seu blog com intuito de escrever sobre o livro perguntando se teria uma continuação me apaixonei com os Mac e o Ton e as crianças ate chorei pensando que não teria uma continuação detestamos nossas serie termina e muito triste não saber mais de nosso personagem a espera ate o verão ser muitlo longo, não quer da uma ajudinha e usar o verão do Brasil não, assim ja pode sair estamos no final dele, rsrs
    Brincadira as parte esto a ler todos os seus outros obrigada pela escrita tão linda.

    • I’m afraid I barely speak French as a second language, so I don’t know what this says. But I’m gonna accept it anyway and maybe someone will translate down the road. If my books are reaching out further than my understanding goes, it’s all good.

      • It’s not French Kaje, It’s Portuguese, she’s from Brazil. I am going to try to translate :

        “I am so sad to hear about your mother. I live the same with my grandmother who has the same problem. I would like to wish her a good recovery but it is a distinct reality of the moment, so I wish that the medication will give her a life with quality like for my grandmother.

        About your news, I am super happy and I cannot wait for Life Lessons 3. I came to your blog to know if there will be a sequel because I fell in love with Mac and Ton and the kids. I even cried thinking there won’t be another book because we hate that the series end and we feel very sad to not know what happen next to the characters.

        I will wait until fall and hope it won’t be too long. Do you want a little help and use the fall from Brazil? It’s ending here so your book could be almost here.

        More seriously, I am reading all your other books. Thank you so much for your beautiful writing.”

        Hope I did good Leticia. My parents are from Portugal. I speak and understand portuguese but I never studied it. 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for the translation, Carnell !

    I was sure it wasn’t French but had no good idea which other language it was. And what a lovely message to have hidden in there. I really appreciate you taking the time.

    Leticia, thanks for all the good thoughts. The next Mac and Tony will come out at whatever speed my editor and I can manage together. I’m delighted people will be looking for it.

  6. You’re welcome Kaje !

    Leticia, aqui as palabras de Kaje para si, mais ou menos

    “Leticia, obrigada pelos seus pensamentos bons. A proxima saida do proximo Mac e Tony dependera de que o meu editor e eu podemos gerir em conjunto. Esto feliz de saber que pessoas estào à espera dele.”

  7. I have been checking Amazon for what feels like forever, at least from the moment I finished Unacceptable Risk, looking for the sequel. I know it’s barely been months but it’s felt like forever. It’s terrible because you’ve turned me into a 5 year old- horribly impatient. But I loved the story so and wanted more right away. I am very glad you didn’t wait and are releasing the new one in the series on Friday. Thank you!

    • Yeah, it should go live on MLR tonight, and on Amazon soon after. I hope you like it – it’s different, of course. First person narrative and all. I’m in that pre-release funk right now, but excited too. Thanks so much for the encouragement.


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