Magic Burning is out!

Magic Burning – my story in the Carnival of Mysteries – is now available. snarky matchmaking familiar closeted firefighter dodging his big family elementary teacher and sorcerer, of sorts fire elemental on the loose a Carnival where all things are possible Check out Magic Burning on Amazon (sorry folks, not wide until the series contract us up in about 9 months, but paper is available on Amazon) – [Buy on Amazon US] excerpt: Chapter 3 … Read more

Father’s Day for Alec

I decided Father’s Day would be a good time to post something for my Single Dads of Gaynor Beach book – Alec. This short story will make the most sense if you’ve read the novel. Content warning for grief due to child loss, although it takes place about a year after the novel – that’s not a pain that goes away, but it can be cushioned by love. I hope you enjoy a little time … Read more

Jasper is here!

Found by Jasper – Necromancer book 7 is now available! Jasper, Hamish, and the Professor have no intention of seeking out adventure, but adventure comes looking for them. universal link: * Hamish has been rescued, but sometimes freedom is harder than it should be. * Jasper now has time to dive into his books and his work, but that can be lonely. * Professor Xsing of the Transitional Dynamics Laboratories is having the time … Read more

“Unseen Past : A Hidden Wolves Prequel” is now out

I wasn’t going to write more wolves, but when I started a little prequel flash fiction as an Advent story, Sawyer and James hijacked my heart and mind and I ended up with a novel. Unseen Past is now available on all vendors. Universal link: Amazon US : excerpt: Sawyer stared down at the unconscious man. If the guy’d been hit on the head and needed any care more complicated than rest and … Read more

The Distant Hills and Other Stories is now available

I’m happy to see this collection of stories go out into the world. New love and old, hurt-comfort and humor, meet-cutes and second chances, young men, older ones (and a zombie raccoon) – stories from flash fic to 10K to entertain you, make you chuckle, or touch your heart. Now on Amazon in ebook and Paperback and coming next week wide. (Sorry for the delay, wide-release folk. It will be out wide March 2nd, and … Read more

The Distant Hills now in preorder

The Distant Hills and Other Stories is now available in preorder wide (releases Feb 23rd) Universal link – Amazon link – This is a collection of 30 stories, 28 from my Facebook Group shorts, plus the Mac & Tony holiday short and the prequel to Changes Coming Down. . Can a farmer still love the man who stole his horse, and broke his heart? What kind of relationship begins with a passive-aggressive bottle … Read more

My favorite books of 2022

A new year is almost upon us, and I’m trying to pick out a top-reads-of-the-year list. This includes some older books I found in 2022, and is far from all the stories I enjoyed. (Even my Goodreads reviews aren’t caught up on all of those, sorry lovely authors who brought me so much goodness.) So here, in no particular order, are some favorites: CS Poe’s Momento Mori mystery series has two books so far, with … Read more

Learning Curve out in Audio

Audible has released Learning Curve – Life Lessons book 4 with another amazing performance by JF Harding (His average rating on Audible for book 3 – Home Work – is at 5.0) This book completes the series. (Although I don’t rule out a short story or two to catch up with our guys in the future.) Already whispersync’d at $7.47, and the novels are in KU. I hope folks will enjoy listening to Mac and … Read more

Hidden Blade is out (Amazon and KU)

I’m excited to have Cam and Erik loose on the world. I hope folks will enjoy them. * first times * social anxiety * not-yet-rockstars * bad limericks (Erik’s lucky Cam falls for him anyway.) On AZ and in KU: (For my wide readers, this one will go wide eventually, but the whole series will be in KU, so it will be a while. Sorry.)   excerpt: Cameron “You suck.” I glared at Andre … Read more

ALEC – Single Dads of Gaynor Beach – now out

Alec – Single Dads of Gaynor Beach is now available on all vendors. universal link: Alec is coping with deep loss. Joe is looking for a welcoming place to raise his preteen son, Kevin. Lost dog Zelda is looking for a safe home. Kevin is looking for octopuses. Finding each other is a coming together of love, hurt-comfort, and family-building to a HEA. Excerpt from ALEC: Alec couldn’t resist getting to his feet and … Read more