Thank You and Book Winners

I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who came around to my blog on either WordPress or Goodreads and read my uncle’s story. Between the two locations I had over 800 visitors, many of whom left comments of encouragement, determination and hope. You made me feel like my uncle’s life had impact and made a contribution far beyond its brief span. You are all wonderful people and I’m honored to be sharing … Read more

Because I never knew my uncle…

Because I never knew my uncle… Sometimes people ask me why I support gay rights and marriage equality. Why do I speak up or put the bumper stickers on my car or sign the petitions? After all, I’m straight, I have two girls who also appear to be straight, my siblings are all straight, there’s no pressing need to get so involved with that. Most times I give them chapter and verse. I talk about … Read more

Into Deep Waters released

The Goodreads M/M Romance Group is once again doing a Dear-Author story-writing event for the summer. Last year I wrote Like the Taste of Summer for the event. This year I’m contributing two stories. And the first of those, Into Deep Waters, just released. The “Love is Always Write” event isn’t actually scheduled to begin until May 15th. But today the group reached 6000 members and moderator Jen and her colleagues decided to release my … Read more

What’s coming next

I haven’t blogged for a while – real life caught up with me and I’ve been busy and preoccupied. But I did want to touch base with what I’ve been doing. I’m currently working on the edits for Home Work, the next Life Lessons book. No release date yet, though. And I just finished a short story I’m submitting to a Storm Moon Press anthology. This one is a 20,000 word short that is a … Read more

Book winners

I was truly amazed and honored by how many folks came by my blog on my publishing anniversary and left kind comments. I picked random winners from the posts on my anniversary blog both here and on Goodreads, by the time-honored method of putting names in a hat. The winners of 3 e-books each of their choice are: Juliana (Ocean…) – 3 books Michelle (chellebe at comcast dot net) – 3 books The next name … Read more

What a short strange year it’s been.

This time exactly a year ago I took a deep breath, looked at the Smashwords submission page one last time, and clicked “Publish”. Hours later – because there were a couple of hundred books in the queue – I saw the first version of Lies and Consequences go live for downloading. So I downloaded it to check it (because Smashwords doesn’t have a preview function.) Then I swore loudly, because the entire book was centered … Read more

It starts with that look in his eyes…

GFY – Gay For You – ah, yes… *Happy sigh.* That moment when a man who always thought he was straight looks into the eyes of another man and falls head over heels in love. And in lust. I love to write those moments. But is GFY just a figment of my author’s imagination? A fantasy like vampires, as unlikely as zombie love? Or is there a chance that a straight man might find the … Read more

Spam, silliness, and robot translators

My online blog gets a fair bit of spam. I usually scan it before erasing it all, to make sure no genuine comments got caught in the filter. This time I was in a silly mood, and couldn’t help giggling at the wording of so many of them. So I decided to record some here for posterity and my own amusement. I do want to emphasize, To all you real flesh-and-blood humans for whom English … Read more


No April Fool’s stuff here. I’m the kind of person who is really glad when this falls on a Sunday, because practical jokes are so not my thing. (Now verbal jokes… those definitely.) The middle of this week will be the one-year anniversary of the release of my first self-pubbed book. I’m debating how to celebrate that. (OK, who was it just said I should post a free story??? Well, maybe. Although my beta readers … Read more