Avocado Protection is out

Release day for Avocado Protection -I can’t wait for readers to meet Fynn and Nolan The book is wide – currently just AZ and Smashwords, but coming elsewhere once SW sends it over. https://books2read.com/AvocadoProtection . a 40K novella  (content warning for abduction and some violence) ……. Nolan asked, “You do all this alone? I’d imagined a company as successful as RipeBox would have an army of scientists.” To his surprise, Fynn flushed red across his … Read more

Halloween story in 2 parts

Hey folks, this is one I put on my FB Group for Halloween 2022, but I figured I might share it here this year, for folks who aren’t on FB. (content warning for captivity) I hope you all have a great Halloween, and take the chance to be whomever you want on this particular holiday.   Promises to Keep “Don’t go to the cemetery tonight.” Joel lays a hand on my arm. “Its been twenty … Read more

Sunday Story – Our Own Way

Once again FB ditched this as spam so here’s this week’s story – a certain secondary character began nudging me for page time, but I’m not writing him a book, so I gave him a little space here to play.   Our Own Way   The clear high C from Brody’s flute pierced the stillness of the auditorium as ten thousand fans held their breaths and leaned into the plaintive ending of “Fathoms Deep.” He … Read more

Sunday story – a contemporary slice of life

Here’s this week’s bit of fiction (once again too long for my FB group.) Dilemmas, No Answers Vic’s snort made Stephan glance up from the script he was reading alongside his plate of fruit and bites of Nutribar. “What?” Vic turned his phone toward Stephan. “The headlines.” Oh. Stephan’s stomach sank but he plastered a grin on his face, not reaching for the phone. “Who am I supposedly fucking this time? Or is it about … Read more

Short story for fun – “Unpredictable”

For the folks from Rainbow Dragon Readers on Facebook (where FB has decided all long stories are spam) here’s the fantasy story I promised you – it’s not specifically Halloween, although some of the stories on my FB group – Kaje’s Conversation Corner – are (like this one – Promises to Keep but I hope you enjoy it. Unpredictable I try to remember how long I’ve been doing this. Time passes differently in Faerie. Are … Read more

Rocking Karma is out

I’ve had great fun working on the first book in this year’s The Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 and now Rocking Karma is available on AZ in ebook, paper, and in KU. Dax is a mixing tech, a loner, focused on the success of his brother’s band. Lane, the band’s bassist, is juggling a secret label-exec “boyfriend” and his love of doing drag. But when the boyfriend shows his ugly face, and the two men figure … Read more

Another Sunday – another story

Say It Louder I was straightening the pegboard display behind the register when I heard a crash of wire, a tumble of wrappers, and sighed. I told my boss the chip display was too close to the counter and someone would knock it over. A man’s voice said, “I’m so sorry.” I froze. I knew that voice. I’d dreamed of hearing it say those words for a long time, but not because Max fucking Benson … Read more

Sunday Stories

Every Sunday (almost) on my FB group – Kaje’s Conversation Corner – I post a short story, just for fun. This morning FB decided that my 3000 word story was “spam” – Supposedly I “seemed to be trying to get likes, comments, follows, or video shares (???) in a misleading way.” LOL (Gives one more and more confidence in letting AI run things.) My attempt to repost it also got taken down, so I figured … Read more

Out today – Midnight in the Renaissance Elevator

Out today – “Midnight in the Renaissance Elevator” – charity anthology https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Renaissance…/dp/B0C3Z1WHDG Imagine, if you will, a hotel elevator lobby. On one side, two normal, well-behaved elevators carry guests up and down. On the other side, a lurching, scraping, door-slamming, foot-grabbing, malevolent conveyance. It’s almost midnight, you press the lobby button, and the doors only open on that elevator. Do you wait for another? Do you get in and ride the haunted Renaissance elevator at midnight? My story … Read more