Win books on Lex Valentine’s 30 Days of Christmas

Fellow author Lex Valentine is celebrating the Christmas season with book giveaways. Every day this month there are romance books up for grabs on her website. Stories of all kinds are represented: M/M, M/F, paranormal, contemporary, BDSM, sweet and sexy, a little something for everyone. On Dec 5th, one of the books going for free to a winning reader will be a paperback copy of my werewolf novel Unacceptable Risk, signed, sealed and delivered. I … Read more

Sweet love and MLR’s 42 Days of Holidays

Christmas is coming and I do love the holidays. (I’m sentimental that way.) But back when this started it was late summer and I was in the mood to write a sweet love story. You see, someone had written a comment on a blog lambasting m/m readers. Apparently we were being superficial wimps for not wanting to read anything that didn’t have fluffy bunnies in it. Well, maybe not in those words. But the gist … Read more

Privacy, Integrity and the Internet

A lot of different things have me considering this topic about now. On a personal level, I was in my own email and I was reminded of how private things are NOT, online. You know how you get those annoying ads popping up alongside your email on the regular sites? I happened to look at the ads, which usually I just ignore. And then I looked again. The top five ads were for “Publish your … Read more

Ghosts and Flames released

My new novella Ghosts and Flames is now available from MLR press. I’ve put a link here – just click on the cover in the column on the right to get to the publisher’s website. I had fun writing this one. I hope people will have fun reading it.

Ghosts coming Friday

Ghosts & Flames cover

It looks like my novella Ghosts and Flames will release on Friday, Nov. 4, from MLR Press. This one is a paranormal, a little less emotional (well, that’s not hard when comparing to Full Circle), and hopefully fun. Here’s a look at the cover: Since it’s about 22,000 words it will release as an e-book only. This short novella is probably as close as I’ll get to a companion book to my free novel Lies … Read more

Why I write

A writer friend, author Patricia Lynne, asked me to do a guest spot on her blog, in a series she’s doing from other authors on “Why I write.” I asked if saying “Because it’s fun!” a dozen times counts as a post, but sadly she wanted something a little more complex than than that. So I had to think about why being able to write tops eating chocolate, on my hit list of life’s necessities. … Read more

Warm Fuzzies

It’s been a nice couple of days. Reviews for Unacceptable Risk have been pretty positive so far. And sales seem to be picking up (maybe because the Gay Rom Lit gathering in New Orleans is over; my readers have stopped bar hopping and started buying books again.) Then someone recommended my books to Josh Lanyon on the grounds that I sound a little like him. (Now there’s a compliment!) And I got to make a … Read more

Unacceptable Risk available

My first werewolf novel, Unacceptable Risk is now available from MLR Press. Click the cover at right for a direct link to the publisher’s site. It’s also already up on Amazon (I’m amazed but delighted how fast that happened compared to past books) and will be on other sites like All Romance ebooks within the next few weeks. Hopefully those of you who have liked Tony and Mac will also become fond of Simon and … Read more

Keeping Busy

I just sent back the galley proofs for Unacceptable Risk, on schedule for the e-book to be released on Friday (Oct. 14th.) I realized I haven’t posted the blurb yet, so here it is: Simon Conley was born a werewolf, making him one of a tiny minority in a sea of vanilla humans. The safety of the pack lies in absolute secrecy, sometimes violently enforced. In a species where pack-members are born and not made, … Read more

Pen Names and Young Adult fiction

I’ve been debating the issue of using the same author name for my YA fiction as I use for my adult explicit romance. Up until now it hasn’t been an issue, since none of my YA material was published or available for download. (I don’t count Like the Taste of Summer since I wrote that for the adult romance group. It just happened to come out on the less-explicit side.) The first really YA story … Read more